CoyleKiley Insurance Agency, Inc.

Coyle Kiley Insurance Agency


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AI & HR Technology

AI is evolving faster than the internet. While AI can eliminate some manual processes there are also risk with AI infusion in HR technology. Join us as we learn about AI and your HR systems.

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Overview of Account-Based Plans: HDHPs, HSAs, FSAs, and HRAs

Webinar attendees will gain an understanding of the background of Consumer Directed Healthcare, HSA eligibility and contribution rules, how HSA funds may be used, and how employers may contribute to HSAs. We will also discuss HRAs and FSAs under the Affordable Care Act, including ICHRAs, EBHRAs and QSEHRAs.

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HR Tech Trends for 2024 and Beyond!

HR technology is constantly evolving to meet the needs of the industry. This session will provide you with top trends in HR technology and how these trends are helping companies meet organizational goals.

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